Campus News

UKPD Part of Central Kentucky Law Enforcement Partnership


LEXINGTON, Ky. (Jan. 15, 2014) — The University of Kentucky Police Department has joined 25 other law enforcement agencies in Central Kentucky in an inter-jurisdictional agreement that allows these agencies to cross jurisdictional boundaries in the course of criminal investigations.  The Bluegrass and Central Kentucky Unified Police Protection System, or BACKUPPS, was announced in a news conference in Frankfort Wednesday, Jan. 14.

BACKUPPS includes police departments and sheriff's offices in 15 counties.  The agreement took nearly five months to establish and includes standard operating procedures allowing all agencies' officers and detectives to work together on criminal investigations without jurisdictional restrictions.

State law allows these agreements, and while a few law enforcement agencies have entered into inter-jurisdictional agreements, BACKUPPS is by far the largest initiative of its kind in Kentucky.

UK Police Chief Joe Monroe says it reflects the collaborative nature of law enforcement today. "Never before have this many law enforcement agencies been able to come together for the common goal of protecting our community; this is definitely a historic initiative."

Monroe says the agreement with the other agencies will allow for a more efficient process.

"With the University of Kentucky Police Department being a part of the Bluegrass Area Central Kentucky Unified Police System, it will permit us to have additional resources should an event occur that would exceed the capacity of our police department and the surrounding jurisdiction," Monroe said. "This will also benefit UKPD in responding to assist our law enforcement partners in the event of a disaster or a large scale incident as well as in investigating criminals who flee our normal jurisdiction." 

MEDIA CONTACT: Kathy Johnson, 859-257-3155