Coat, Blanket Drive: UK Students Helping Fellow Students
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 24, 2015) — Getting around on the University of Kentucky campus during the winter months can be a chilly experience, especially without proper cold-weather attire. Students in the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment want to make sure their peers are prepared.
In January, students in GEN 302 will travel to Merida, Mexico, to lend their hands to community development efforts focusing on disadvantaged youth and natural resource conservation. This fall, however, the education abroad program requires students to start their development and service efforts in their own community. They decided they could make the greatest impact by organizing a winter coat and blanket drive for fellow students. This is the second year for the project, led by agricultural biotechnology and pre-pharmacy student Will Sharp.
“Last year we had great success putting warm winter coats in the hands of many UK students and families,” said Amanda Saha, CAFE career development & enrichment director. “We were able to help many international graduate students who sometimes come to Lexington ill prepared for the brutal temperatures that winter can bring.”
Students will accept all sizes of winter coats in clean, good condition and new or gently used blankets Nov. 30 through Dec. 4 in 112 Erikson Hall or room N8 of Ag Science Center.
As a convenience to faculty and staff outside of the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, drive-through-drop-off of donations will be available Dec. 1-2 in the loop outside the Agricultural Science Center at the corner of Limestone and Cooper Drive. Anyone in the UK family who is in need of a winter coat or blanket can come to the Seay Auditorium Lobby in the Ag Science Center between noon and 7 p.m. Dec. 7-11. For more information, email Saha at
MEDIA CONTACT: Aimee Nielson, 859-257-7707.