Construction to Impact Press Avenue Pedestrian, Vehicular Traffic Starting June 21
LEXINGTON, Ky. (June 15, 2017) — In the coming weeks, utility installation associated with Research Building 2 will impact vehicle and pedestrian travel in the area.
In anticipation of the increased construction, the University of Kentucky recently installed a new pedestrian crossing on Press Avenue, located south of the entry to the Press Avenue Garage (PS #6). This facility provides a formal crossing for the high volume of pedestrians who utilize this area of campus on a daily basis. This crosswalk is clearly marked with signage and pavement markings. Additionally, the crossing features flashing lights to alert motorists; these lights are activated by an actuated control signal button on either side of the crosswalk.
Beginning on June 21, the portion of Press Avenue from Leader Avenue to the entry to the Press Avenue Garage will be closed to through traffic. This condition is expected to last through September 2017. Access to the Press Avenue Garage (PS #6) will be maintained at all times; however, entry will only be available from Virginia Avenue. Sidewalks along this section of Press Avenue will be closed during this time as well. Pedestrians traveling to and from the Press Avenue Garage will be directed to Leader Avenue along a temporary walking path. The Pink Route (Kentucky Clinic Shuttle) will continue to run during this time period.
The university is working to minimize the impact of this construction on pedestrians and motorists. For the most updated information on this project, visit