Fall Prevention Week addresses rising fall-related injuries among older Kentuckians

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Sept. 17, 2024) — In recognition of the increasing threat falls pose to older adults, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear has officially proclaimed Sept. 14-20 as Fall Prevention Awareness Week to raise public awareness about fall-related injuries and fatalities among older adults in Kentucky. Unintentional falls are the leading cause of fatal injuries and emergency department visits among Kentuckians aged 65 and older.
In 2022, Kentuckians 65 and older experienced 48,708 fall-related emergency department visits, 8,823 fall-related hospitalizations and 399 fall-related deaths, according to the Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center (KIPRC). The impact of falls has continued to rise, with fall-related inpatient hospitalizations in acute care facilities increasing to 9,053 in 2023, resulting in median discharges cost of $55,798. This upward trend shows the growing urgency for effective fall prevention strategies to protect the health and safety of older adults.
Gov. Beshear’s proclamation highlights the importance of fall prevention strategies, including physical activity to improve balance and strength, medication management, health and vision checkups and home safety assessments. These strategies have proven effective in reducing fall-related injuries and improving the quality of life for seniors by helping them remain healthy, active and independent.
“The governor’s proclamation is a significant step in raising public awareness about this critical health hazard,” said Roy Tapp, coordinator of the Kentucky Safe Aging Coalition (KSAC). “It also recognizes the hard work of individuals and organizations who assist older adults, from public health workers to senior citizen groups and care providers.”
As part of the state’s efforts to address this critical health issue, KSAC — part of the Kentucky Safety and Prevention Alignment Network (KSPAN) — plays a pivotal role in fall prevention initiatives. KSAC’s mission remains focused on decreasing the incidence of older adult falls and has expanded its mission to include the prevention of all injuries for older Kentuckians.
As KSPAN’s Falls Prevention Committee, KSAC has opportunities to network and secure resources on the national and state levels. KSPAN is an injury prevention community implementation group that is supported by the CDC-funded Kentucky Violence and Injury Prevention Program at KIPRC. In the Commonwealth, two invaluable partnerships to advance fall prevention have been with Bellarmine University and the state’s Cabinet for Health and Family Services.
KSAC also collaborates with local agencies and community organizations to enhance fall prevention efforts across the state. Recent partnerships with UK HealthCare’s acute care surgery, trauma and surgical critical care teams and the Lexington Senior Center have strengthened outreach efforts, enabling KSAC to provide fall prevention education, distribute safety devices and offer individualized support to older adults.
The coalition holds quarterly meetings that are open to the public and offers ongoing support through data, resources, literature and best practices related to fall prevention and osteoporosis, including an annual fall and osteoporosis summit.
“KSAC’s quarterly meetings provide a platform for collaboration and knowledge-sharing among community organizations, health care providers, and public health professionals,” said Tapp. “These meetings not only support Fall Prevention Awareness Week but also offer a valuable opportunity for participants to access the latest resources and updates.”
In addition to these efforts, KSAC is a member of the national Falls Free™ Coalition, sponsored by the National Council on Aging. This connection allows KSAC to serve as a link to both national and state resources, ensuring that local and state agencies have access to the tools needed to reduce fall-related injuries among Kentucky’s aging population.
KSAC continues to promote awareness through its annual Falls and Osteoporosis Summit, which features presentations by leading experts in fall prevention, as well as regular updates on the latest research and best practices. The summit is held each August.
For more information and fall prevention resources, visit the Older Adult Safety page on the KSPAN site.
KIPRC is a unique partnership between the Kentucky Department for Public Health (DPH) and the University of Kentucky’s College of Public Health. KIPRC serves both as an academic injury prevention research center and as the DPH’s designee or “bona fide agent” for statewide injury prevention and control.
KSPAN is an injury prevention community implementation group that is supported by the CDC-funded Kentucky Violence and Injury Prevention Program at KIPRC.
UK HealthCare is the hospitals and clinics of the University of Kentucky. But it is so much more. It is more than 10,000 dedicated health care professionals committed to providing advanced subspecialty care for the most critically injured and ill patients from the Commonwealth and beyond. It also is the home of the state’s only National Cancer Institute (NCI)-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center, a Level IV Neonatal Intensive Care Unit that cares for the tiniest and sickest newborns, the region’s only Level 1 trauma center and Kentucky’s top hospital ranked by U.S. News & World Report.
As an academic research institution, we are continuously pursuing the next generation of cures, treatments, protocols and policies. Our discoveries have the potential to change what’s medically possible within our lifetimes. Our educators and thought leaders are transforming the health care landscape as our six health professions colleges teach the next generation of doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other health care professionals, spreading the highest standards of care. UK HealthCare is the power of advanced medicine committed to creating a healthier Kentucky, now and for generations to come.