Transitional Employment Memberships Offered to Alumni

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 11, 2010) -- The University of Kentucky Alumni Association is offering a limited number of complimentary memberships to UK alumni who are presently unemployed.
Unemployed alumni can receive a transitional employment membership, making them eligible for benefits and services available to all members. Among other advantages, they will have access to career services, networking opportunities and discounts.
The complimentary membership is valid for a single annual membership and is available only by request. Transitional Employment Membership entitles alumni to the same benefits and privileges of regular membership.
A series of professional development workshops are scheduled throughout the semester, beginning with “Strategies for Branding Yourself with Employers” on Aug. 19.
The university established the Transitional Employment Membership in response to the current high rate of unemployment in the United States. According to the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics, 14.6 million persons were unemployed in the United States as of June 2010. Specifically, the state of Kentucky is currently realizing double-digit unemployment rates.
For more information on Transitional Employment Membership, call (859) 257-8905 or (800) 269-ALUM (2586) or visit