UK Celebrates Ag Awareness Day
LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 9, 2019) — University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment students, faculty and agricultural industry representatives will share the diversity of the agricultural industry with the rest of campus April 10 for Ag Awareness Day.
The event will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. behind Memorial Hall on the UK campus in Lexington.
“Ag Awareness Day gives us a chance to show the community what we are passionate about,” said Jesse Neal, president-elect of the college’s student council and a college ambassador. “It is a fun way to engage those around us and show how important agriculture is to everyday life.”
More than 20 exhibits will highlight agriculture-related enterprises located on campus and across the state. Many of the exhibits will have interactive components. Participants may also receive a free T-shirt.
“The event is an opportunity for ag-related organizations and businesses to gather on UK’s campus to promote the importance of agriculture and its impact on our daily lives,” said Grace Higgs, senior agricultural and medical biotechnology student and college ambassador. “My peers and I appreciate our community partners, who join us each year to educate students, faculty and staff about their work and their invaluable contributions across the Commonwealth.”