'The Unnamed' Reveals Itself To UK
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 17, 2010) - Nothing impacts a crowd like a genuine success story, and according to English professor Pearl James, University of Kentucky's writing students are eager to compose their own.
They will hear from a success story this week.
Bestselling author Joshua Ferris will be reading from his newest novel, "The Unnamed," at 5 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 18, at the West End Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower.
"We have a vibrant creative writing program in the English department, and our students are hungry for role models," said James. "Ferris has met with success at a pretty young age, and that's inspiring."
Thirty-five-year-old Ferris is an American author renowned for his novel "Then We Came To The End," a comedy about the effects of the dot-com burst on a Chicago ad agency. The book has sold in 20 countries, was shortlisted for the National Book Award and HBO is producing a screenplay adaptation.
"The Unnamed" is a bit darker, with focus on Tim, a protagonist who suffers from an unidentified disease with symptoms that include uncontrollably walking out on his job, family and life.
James wanted to find a young, creative writing sensation to talk to her students about writing as a career. Her cousin, Ferris, was the perfect fit.
In addition to the reading, Ferris will be teaching a creative writing class and discussing graduate school options with writing program students.
Sponsored by the UK Department of English, the College of Arts and Sciences and the Honors Program, Ferris' reading is free and open to the public. Ferris' presentation will be followed by a reception and book signing.
For more information, contact James at pjame2@email.uky.edu.