Women’s Basketball Game to Impact Parking Nov. 28

LEXINGTON, KY. (Nov. 27, 2018) —The University of Kentucky women’s basketball team will host Morehead State University noon Wednesday, Nov. 28, at Memorial Coliseum. As a result, employees who park in the Linden Walk intermediate employee lot and the S. Limestone Garage (PS #5) will experience parking impacts.
UK women’s basketball fans will be directed to park in the S. Limestone Garage (PS #5), located adjacent to the intersection of Avenue of Champions and S. Limestone.
To accommodate game-day operations, the Linden Walk Lot will be unavailable for general parking and the Memorial Coliseum Lot will reserve 20 spaces for any ADA permit holders (including state-issued ADA placards) from 5 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 28.
Employees who typically park in the Linden Walk Lot, S. Limestone Garage and Memorial Coliseum Lot are encouraged to park in the Scott Street, Reynolds, Comer or Taylor/Dickey Lots, located on Scott Street to facilitate basketball fan parking. Visit www.uky.edu/transportation/parking-info_parking-maps to view all campus parking options.
For more information on parking options and transportation alternatives, visit www.uky.edu/transportation. UK Transportation Services is also on Twitter @UKParking or tune into 1700 AM (WQKH 253) to hear daily campus parking and transportation updates. The station broadcasts 24 hours, seven days a week.