UK Arts Administration Achieves Department Status

LEXINGTON, Ky. (June 30, 2016) — The University of Kentucky Arts Administration Program received approval from UK's Board of Trustees to change its status to the Department of Arts Administration at the board's most recent meeting held June 24.
This status change recognizes the growth of the program since its inception. Additionally, it will enable arts administration faculty to receive tenure and promotions more smoothly and efficiently in arts administration. Previously, faculty were required to be evaluated outside their field by another unit within the College of Fine Arts.
“Given the fundamental differences in the disciplines of arts administration and the other areas in the college, it makes the most sense for faculty in arts administration to have their appointments in arts administration,” said Rachel Shane, chair of the department. “I am delighted the board agreed with our recommendation and I thank the trustees on behalf of our faculty and students.”
Founded in 1988, UK's Department of Arts Administration offers one of the most comprehensive curriculums of its kind in the country. The degree programs prepare students for the challenges they will meet as professionals in the arts. UK's arts administration bachelor's and master's degrees are designed to teach students the concepts, technologies and skills necessary to successfully direct an arts organization in a competitive and changing environment.
The Bachelor of Arts in Arts Administration degree program has steadily grown in size, with 128 students enrolled in 2015. In 2013, an online master's degree was added, the first of its kind at a public university, with more than 55 students from four continents in its first two years.
UK’s Department of Arts Administration, in the College of Fine Arts, is designed to prepare students for a future in the management of arts organizations. Students are provided with a strong liberal arts education, an understanding of the business world, and a comprehensive education in one of the four arts disciplines of art, music, dance and theatre.
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MEDIA CONTACT: Whitney Hale, 859-257-8716;