UK Extension Hosts Financial Resiliency Conference May 16

LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 26, 2013) — Kentucky’s recovery from the recent economic recession continues to be a slow one. To help Kentuckians continue to improve their finances, the University of Kentucky Managing in Tough Times (MITT) initiative is hosting the Financial Resiliency and Responsibility Conference May 16 at the Fayette County office of the UK Cooperative Extension Service.
The conference begins at 10 a.m. EDT and ends at 3 p.m.
“The conference is designed to help community leaders work with local clientele on issues related to managing finances, financial frauds and scams, estate planning and financial issues unique to women,” said Jeanne Davis, UK extension program coordinator and co-leader of MITT.
The conference targets county extension agents and community partners who assist individuals and families with financial management and education. UK financial experts will provide research-based information about ways conference participants can help Kentuckians maximize their resources in the new economy, with the goal of aiding economic resurgence in their local communities.
“The Financial Resiliency and Responsibility Conference offers the opportunity for educators, industry professionals and community partners to work together to meet the needs of clientele as we continue to navigate uncertain economic times,” said Jennifer Hunter, UK assistant professor for family financial management and co-leader of MITT. “The extended period of slow economic recovery has been difficult on many Kentuckians; however, helping individuals understand how current money management practices affect household financial stability can help clientele adapt to the new financial normal and promote financial stability regardless of economic conditions.”
Becky Nash, Taylor County extension agent for family and consumer sciences, said the conference will provide important information for grassroots financial education efforts in Kentucky.
“In a tight economy, prices are increasing while paychecks are shrinking, even disappearing,” she said. “Extension has resources to share with individuals and families to help them make the best decisions they can. The challenge is always how to get this information to folks so that they can apply it. We have to work together to get this job done.”
Registration for the Financial Resiliency and Responsibility Conference is available at and is limited to 100 participants. The cost is $10 per person. For more information, contact Katie Keith, UK extension associate for family finance, at or 859-257-2097.
The UK College of Agriculture implemented the MITT initiative two years ago, to assist Kentuckians in managing the changing financial climate. The team works with extension agents in every county to provide family financial management resources, teaching tools and modules and Web-based resources including social media.
The Fayette County Cooperative Extension office is located at 1140 Red Mile Place in Lexington.
CONTACT: Katie Pratt, 859-257-8774; Carl Nathe, 859-257-3200.