Student Parking Applications Accepted Beginning May 1

LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 30, 2013) — Student parking permit sales will begin May 1 for the 2013-2014 academic year for all University of Kentucky and Bluegrass Community and Technical College students. Application dates vary depending on the permit type and the student’s classification.

Students are encouraged to apply for a permit early, as permits are issued on a first-come, first-served basis. For a detailed list of application and enforcement dates, please visit the student permit calendar at

Students may apply for permits online at, through the mail or in person at University of Kentucky Parking and Transportation Services (PTS) in Parking Structure #6 (721 Press Avenue). Printable application forms can be found at

Student permits will remain the same price for the upcoming academic year. Student C, R and K permits are $248 for the 2013-2014 academic year, while evening permits are $120. Students who require a motorcycle permit in addition to their vehicle permit should contact PTS directly after purchasing their permit.

New this year, students who choose to purchase K or C6 permits will have the option of purchasing their parking permit by the semester, rather than for the entire year. The single semester permits are $124.

All outstanding parking citations must be paid before a permit application is accepted. Citations may be paid online at

To complete an online application, applicants should have on hand their correct home address, a credit card, and their license plate number. UK students must log in with their link blue ID and password; BCTC students must use their KCTCS username and password.

If the initial permit type requested is no longer available, eligible students may submit a lottery request online for C and R permits. Eligibility criteria must be met to purchase the desired permit. Lottery drawings are typically held two to three weeks after the beginning of the semester, based on the availability of R or C spaces, and notification is sent via electronic mail.

For more information on permits, parking on campus or to receive forms, visit, visit Parking and Transportation Services at 721 Press Avenue (Parking Structure No. 6) or call 859-257-5757. To stay up-to-date on campus parking and transit news, follow UK Parking on Twitter at, subscribe to the Parking E-News e-mail newsletter at or tune into 1700 AM.


CONTACT: Chrissie Balding Tune, 859-257-3512;