Search Begins for UK’s Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration

LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 21, 2012) – University of Kentucky President Eli Capilouto has initiated the search for a new executive vice president for finance and administration (EVPFA), with the goal of having someone in place by July 1. 

“In order to achieve the goals we have for our University – transforming our living, learning, and research facilities; changing the way we budget; and doing our work in a more efficient and effective way – we need creative and determined leadership.” Capilouto said.

The search committee, chaired by College of Agriculture Dean Scott Smith, is being assisted by Witt/Kieffer, an Illinois-based firm, to assist in national recruiting and screening for the search.

“This position is a critically important one for the university,” Smith said. “The areas of responsibility are broad and diverse, from budget and finance to public safety and institutional equity. The person recommended to the president must have a deep background in managing complex and dynamic institutions.”

The EVPFA oversees financial operations and the treasurer’s office, facilities management, information technology, public safety, human resources, institutional equity and equal opportunity and internal audit. UK has a $2.7 billion annual budget, including $337.6 million in outside funding.

Ultimately, some 2,800 full-time and part-time staff members report to the EVPFA. A leadership profile developed for the position (click here to view the profile) describes an ideal candidate as someone with a minimum of 10 years of senior executive management experience, a record of managing assets and investments as well as managing a number of complex areas, including information technology and corporate compliance.

Frank Butler, long-time executive vice president, retired late last year.

Members of the search committee include:

Scott Smith, dean, College of Agriculture

Mark Birdwhistell, chief external affairs officer, UK HealthCare

Debra Harley, professor and chair of the College of Education’s Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling

Tom Harris, vice president, University Relations

JJ Jackson, vice president, Institutional Diversity

Vince Kellen, chief information officer

Jane Kirschling, dean, College of Nursing

Cathy Masoud, compliance analyst, UK HealthCare

Inquiries and applications for the position are invited. Interested individuals should contact WittKieffer at