Free Public Session on the Latest Alzheimer's News


LEXINGTON, Ky. (Sept. 21, 2011) — University of Kentucky researchers and clinicians from the UK Sanders-Brown Center on Aging will present an update on Alzheimer's disease at the Tates Creek branch of the Lexington Public Library on Sept. 21 at 6:30 p.m. The event will be in commemoration of World Alzheimer's Day.

Experts will discuss the biology of Alzheimer's disease, the latest in Alzheimer's treatment and the future of Alzheimer's research.

Speakers will include: Linda Van Eldik, director of the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, Greg Jicha, Elizabeth Head, Frederick Schmitt and Greg Cooper. These scientists and clinicians are at the forefront of Alzheimer's disease research and treatment.

The event is sponsored by the Alzheimer's Association. It is free, but participants should register by calling 1-800-282-3900. Refreshments will be provided.