Hope & History Tour Slated

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 30, 2016) — The University of Kentucky Alumni Association and Lyman T. Johnson African American UK Alumni Constituent Group, in partnership with the UK Office of Lifelong Learning, are sponsoring the Hope & History Study/Travel Tour, slated March 12-15, 2017.
The trip will visit historical civil rights movement sites in Birmingham and Montgomery, Alabama, and is designed to share the story of the African-American struggle for freedom, democracy and transformation. Some of the sites include Rosa Parks Museum, Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church, the Martin Luther King Jr. Parsonage and Southern Poverty Law Center.
For more information, including the full itinerary, visit www.ukalumni.net/hopehistory. The reservation deadline is Dec. 14. The cost is $350 per person (double occupancy) or $600 per person (single occupancy). The cost includes round-trip motor coach transportation from Lexington, a three-night hotel stay, admission fees to all tour venues, three continental breakfasts and two lunches. Participants are responsible for two lunches and three dinners.
For information, call 859-396-6652 or email chester.grundy@uky.edu.
The UK Alumni Association is a membership-supported organization committed to fostering lifelong engagement among alumni, friends, the association and the university. For more information about the UK Alumni Association or to become a member, visit www.ukalumni.net or call 1-800-269-2586.