Get More Social Media Savvy with UK Arts Administration Workshop

LEXINGTON, Ky. (July 20, 2015) — The University of Kentucky Arts Administration Program will present the "Executive Workshop Series: Best Practices in Social Media" later this week. The professional development workshop will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, July 24, in room five of UK's Main Building.
This social media workshop is part of a series of programs for arts administrators of all levels. The workshop will offer social media strategies to further the missions of arts-based and other nonprofit organizations.
The seminar is only $55 and includes lunch. A 20 percent discount will be given to multiple participants from the same organization. Participants should register in advance at the Executive Workshop Series page at
The workshop will focus on the following topics presented by Arts Administration program faculty and alumni:
· "Trending: Meeting the Mission through Social Media";
· "Effective Communication to Recruit and Retain the Millennial Arts Audience";
· "#engage";
· "Making Social Media Work for You: Maximizing Engagement in Existing Audiences through Formatting, Promotion, and Scheduling";
· "Tumblr Blogging for Arts Organizations";
· "Pacing Those Posts"; and
· "Pin it to Win It: Photography-based Marketing on Social Media."
UK's Arts Administration Program, in the UK College of Fine Arts, is designed to prepare students for a future in the management of arts organizations. Students are provided with a strong liberal arts education, an understanding of the business world, and a comprehensive education in one of the four arts disciplines of art, music, dance and theatre.
MEDIA CONTACT: Whitney Hale, 859-257-8716;