Human Resources to Recognize UK Student Employee of the Year

LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 10, 2015)  The University of Kentucky Human Resources Student Employment Office is publicly recognizing outstanding contributions and achievements of UK student employees through its Eighth Annual Employee of the Year Contest. University employers are asked to nominate undergraduate student employees who have demonstrated exemplary commitment and initiative in his or her work.

The UK Human Resources Student Employee of the Year Program will select 10 finalists to compete in the contest.  Each finalist and his or her nominating supervisor will be recognized at an awards ceremony April 16.

Nomination forms for the 2014-2015 UK HR Student Employee of the Year can be found at the following link:  All employers are encouraged to nominate an outstanding student worker by Friday, March 20.   

Students must meet the following criteria in order to be nominated:

1.       Students must currently be work-study or hourly student employees at UK.

2.       Students must have completed or expect to complete at least six months of part-time or 3 months of full-time employment on or before April, 2014.

3.       Students may not be employees of the UK HR Student Employment Office.

4.       Students must be in a UK undergraduate degree program and enrolled in at least a half-time credit load for both Fall 2014 and Spring 2015.

For questions or comments contact Chuck Embs at or Zac Miller at