Faculty, Staff Survey Measures UK's Work Environment

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Sept. 6, 2017) — Beginning today, University of Kentucky campus faculty and staff have the opportunity to provide feedback on making the university an even better place to work.

The UK@Work survey runs today through Sept. 27. This is the fifth time UK has administered the survey, which measures faculty and staff feedback in several areas, including:

  • communication,
  • leadership,
  • diversity,
  • career development,
  • stress and workload,
  • pay and rewards,
  • working relationships, and
  • university culture.

All campus regular staff and faculty with a position of at least .50 FTE (full-time equivalency) will receive an email invitation from Willis Towers Watson to take the survey. UK HealthCare continues to administer its own employee survey each spring.

All answers are completely confidential. No one within the university will know how any individual responds.

Past surveys have made a difference. This video highlights ways several colleges have turned faculty and staff feedback into action.

Since the previous survey in the spring of 2015, the university has:

  • Provided managers and employees alike with enhanced guidelines and support for workplace flexibility.
  • Increased engagement opportunities with leaders, including Conversation with the President and Chat with the Provost.
  • Expanded our free Work + Life Connections counseling program with the addition of a mental health clinician.
  • Begun offering financial well-being counseling.
  • Provided subsidized Fitbits to help foster a culture of wellness.
  • Avoided cost increases to the employee contribution for health insurance.
  • Begun rolling out unconscious bias awareness training across the entire university and launched the Bias Incidence Response Team, to ensure we are a community where all feel secure and welcome.
  • Supported our deans and vice presidents in implementing action plans based on your survey feedback in their respective colleges and divisions.

After completing the survey, respondents will be invited to register to win a prize. Prizes include airline tickets, UK football and basketball tickets, an E-lot parking pass and more.

View the Human Resources website about the survey to learn more.