Sorting Out Those Personnel in the Pharmacy Department

LEXINGTON, Ky. (July 23, 2014) — You’re waiting to pick up your prescription and you notice all those people back in the Pharmacy Department. Who are those people and what are their roles?

It's normal to be confused about who does what. A University of Kentucky study concluded that even knowledgeable observers had difficulty understanding the roles of each staffer in the pharmacy. Here's a guide to help you the next time you're having a  prescription filled:

The Pharmacist-In-Charge (PIC) is a licensed pharmacist responsible for the operation of a pharmacy.  The PIC assures the pharmacy is following all applicable state statutes and administrative regulations regarding the distribution of prescription drugs and medical devices.

The Pharmacist: some pharmacies have more than one pharmacist. Like the PIC, these are fully licensed individuals who have graduated from an accredited college of pharmacy, passed the licensure examination, and are meeting continuing education requirements mandated by the state of Kentucky. Only a pharmacist can dispense a prescription for controlled substances, such as painkillers.

The Pharmacist Intern: in areas of the country where there is a college of pharmacy, a patient may also encounter a Pharmacist Intern. This is a student enrolled at a college of pharmacy who is receiving supervised, on-the-job training in the various aspects of professional pharmacy practice.

In Kentucky the pharmacist intern must complete 1500 hours of experience. As part of their training, pharmacist interns are authorized to engage in professional and technical pharmacy activities, including preparing prescriptions for non-controlled substances.  

A Certified Pharmacy Technician (C.Ph.T) assists in activities not requiring the professional judgment of a pharmacist. These activities are done under the general supervision of a licensed pharmacist, such as receiving a refill authorization from a prescriber.  A non-certified pharmacy technician is limited to technical activities under the immediate supervision of a pharmacist.

A Pharmacy Clerk tends the counter and the business aspects of the transaction, such as ringing up the sale, completing the credit card transaction, etc.

All these individuals with their various roles contribute to the important goal of assuring that the appropriate medication reaches the patient in need.

Dr. Joseph L Fink is a Professor of Pharmacy Law and Policy at the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy.

This column appeared in the Sunday, July 20th edition of the Lexington Herald-Leader.