Presentation U is UK's Quality Enhancement Plan

Today I want to share with each of you an important process that the University of Kentucky is currently undergoing this academic year.
Every 10 years, universities across the county must reaffirm their accreditation through their accrediting body. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) is the regional body for accreditation of higher education institutions in the southern states. The University of Kentucky has been a SACS accredited institution since 1915 (most recently reaffirmed in 2002).
SACS Accreditation is essential to the University's operation in terms of our ability to grant degrees, enroll students and provide federal financial aid.
Teams of faculty and staff have been working for more than a year on this critically important process, which will culminate this spring when the accreditation team visits the campus. This year you will hear a lot about the process, and in particular a portion known as the ‘Quality Enhancement Plan’ or QEP.
Through research and student focus groups, we recently announced the name of UK’s QEP - Presentation U: You are the Ultimate Presentation, an effort that will strengthen student skills in written, oral and visual communication as they prepare for the work force in whatever their chosen field.
This plan fits well with our new core curriculum -- UKCore -- which seeks to provide students with the toolkit of skills they will need to compete successfully in a global, interdependent economy. Sophisticated communications skills -- whether in writing or making presentations -- are a critical part of that complete toolkit.
Learn more about Presentation U on UKNow: