Al Cross Receives SPJ's Highest Honor

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Sept. 29, 2011) — University of Kentucky Journalism Professor Al Cross received the highest honor awarded by the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), at the society's 2011 Excellence in Journalism Convention in New Orleans.
[IMAGE1]Cross was recognized on Tuesday night at the SPJ President's Installation Banquet, where he received the 2011 Wells Memorial Key. The award is named in memory of Chester Wells, the society's second national president. It is granted each year to an individual who has served the society in "an outstanding fashion."
A past national president of the society, Cross became director of the UK Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues in 2004. Prior to that, he worked for more than 26 years as a reporter for The Courier-Journal, including more than 15 years as its chief political writer.
Cross is also associate professor in the UK College of Communications and Information Studies' School of Journalism and Telecommunications. Earlier this year, Cross became the first tenured extension faculty member at UK not appointed in the College of Agriculture.
Founded in 1909 as Sigma Delta Chi, the SPJ is one of the oldest organizations of American journalists, with more than 300 chapters and 9,000 members nationwide.
MEDIA CONTACT: Keith Hautala, (859) 323-2396 or