Cadets Honor Sacrifice at Annual 29-Mile Run

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 11, 2010)- Air Force and Army ROTC cadets from the University of Kentucky and Air Force ROTC cadets from the University of Louisville will lead a 29-mile POW/MIA run on Saturday, Nov. 13 to honor the sacrifices of the nation’s prisoners of war and those still missing in action.
The run begins at UK's Barker Hall and ends at the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial in Frankfort.
Cadets and faculty will start their run at 6:00 a.m. Saturday morning and expect to arrive at the memorial around noon.
Cadets will carry both the United States and POW/MIA flags along the entire route. The run will take place along Old Frankfort Pike, providing runners with breathtaking views of the bluegrass state’s horse country. After the run, a brief ceremony will take place to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
This run is a small way for ROTC cadets to honor their brothers and sisters in arms for the price paid by so many veterans who came before them.
For more information, or to schedule an interview, please contact Major Jesse Hedge at (859) 257-7115 or