Cruisin Home After DanceBlue

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 18, 2011) – After 24 hours on their feet, dancers participating in DanceBlue will have a safe ride home to their neighborhoods. The Cats Cruiser, a program sponsored by UK Student Government and LexTran that offers a safe ride to campus neighborhoods on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, is starting its operations on Saturday night at 8 p.m. to offer rides to the dancers leaving DanceBlue.
“We are pleased to offer this opportunity to give dancers a ride to their neighborhoods after DanceBlue,” Drake Staples, Student Government Cats Cruiser chair, said. “LexTran is such a generous partner to run the buses early; it’s a small thing we can do to show our appreciation and support the dancers.”
The Cats Cruiser service consists of four fixed-stop bus routes, with buses that will circulate every 20-30 minutes and allow students and passengers to safely return to campus or surrounding neighborhoods. Students can utilize this service for free by presenting a valid UK student ID to the driver of the bus; non-students can also take advantage of this service for $1 per ride. The service runs during the academic year when classes are in session on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights from 9 p.m. until 3 a.m.
DanceBlue is UK’s 24 hour no-sitting, no-sleeping dance marathon that benefits the Golden Matrix Fund and the Pediatric Oncology Clinic at the Kentucky Children’s Hospital. Now in its sixth year, DanceBlue has raised more than $2 million for pediatric cancer research and children with cancer. Give to DanceBlue here and connect with DanceBlue on Facebook at and on Twitter at
DanceBlue is a program housed in the UK Center for Community Outreach (CCO). The CCO seeks to serve, connect and unite the University of Kentucky with the surrounding community in collaborative efforts to promote life-long community service. For more information about the CCO, visit Connect with the CCO on Facebook here and on Twitter at
MEDIA CONTACT: Katy Bennett,, (859) 257-1754, ext. 255