Flagship and Provost Scholarship Deadline March 1

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 25, 2011) − The deadline for incoming freshmen at the University of Kentucky to receive the Flagship and Provost scholarships for fall of 2011 is March 1.
To receive the awards, students must have applied and been admitted to UK by March 1. These scholarships are automatically awarded to students with qualifying scores and GPAs based on their admission application and information. In order to receive the award, eligible students must file their qualifying scores and GPAs at UK by Tuesday.
The Flagship Scholarship is for incoming freshmen whose highest ACT score is 26-27 or SAT (M+CR) score is 1170-1240 and who earn a 3.30 unweighted high school GPA. These students will automatically be offered this award, which provides $1,500 to in-state students and $3,000 to non-resident students during their freshman year.
Incoming freshmen whose minimum ACT score is 28 or SAT (M+CR) score is 1250 and who achieve a 3.30 unweighted high school GPA will automatically be offered a Provost Scholarship. This award provides $1,500 per year to in-state students and $3,000 per year to non-resident students, for up to four years of undergraduate study.
Again, both of these awards will only be automatically awarded to qualifying students if they are admitted and have had their qualifying test scores and GPAs sent to UK by March 1. (Test scores and GPAs must be on file with the Office of Undergraduate Admission by this date.)
For more information, contact the UK Office of Academic Scholarships at (859) 257-4198 or academicscholar@lsv.uky.edu.