New Technology Services Featured at K Week Events

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 26, 2013) — Academic Planning, Analytics and Technologies (APAT) and the Media Depot invite faculty, staff and students to attend “Sweet Tweet” events from 10 a.m.- noon Tuesday, Aug. 27, and 2-4 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 28, in the William T. Young Library basement.
Sweet pastry snacks will be served and activities such as picture sessions in the Media Depot’s “green screen studio” are planned for both days. Students will have the opportunity to tweet their photos for a chance to win a digital video camera or iPad. On Wednesday, additional entertainment will feature Gilbert Adams (The Balloon Entertainer).
The Media Depot grand opening and ribbon cutting will be held at 11:30 a.m. Aug. 27. UK President Eli Capilouto, Senior Vice Provost Vince Kellen and several other UK administrators plan to attend the ceremony.
The Media Depot will provide online assistance, recording equipment and space, editing stations with software, and technical support for students’ development of their academic media projects. The Media Depot is funded by the Student Technology Fee and is a collaboration between Academic Planning, Analytics and Technologies (APAT) and UK Libraries and is in support of the Quality Enhancement Plan, Presentation U.
In addition, one-on-one technology assistance will be available at “Tech Help at the Hub” located in the Cisco computer lab of the Hub. “Tech Help at the Hub” will be staffed with technology experts to answer questions about account activation, password reset, virus protection, software downloads and more. During the Sweet Tweet events staff will be on hand to answer student questions and assist them with technology needs. “Tech Help at the Hub” will be open from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday throughout the semester.
Also during the events, demonstrations of the new myUK mobile application will be provided. Formerly a feature on the UKMobile app, myUK is now available as a separate application for iPhone and iPod. The myUK single sign-on app provides familiar features including a detailed interactive campus map, course catalog and directory. Users can also view class information, register for class and make account payments. The myUK appp for Android will be available soon.
UKMobile will continue to provide valuable features, including access to the library catalog, UKNow and athletics scores and news. However, UKMobile does not require login credentials.
More information about the events, and videos of the Media Depot renovation, are available at Additional information about “Tech Help at the Hub” and Mobile Apps at UK are available at and