UKSGA Election Applications Now Open

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Jan. 20, 2016) — The University of Kentucky Student Government Association (UKSGA) has released its application for those seeking to run for student body president and vice president, undergraduate senator-at-large, graduate senator-at-large and college senator for the 2016-2017 academic year.
There will be an optional information session at 6:30 p.m. tonight in the William T. Young Athletics Auditorium where those who are interested in running for SGA office can gain valuable insight from current SGA members.
"The engagement of the student body is essential in electing the officials that most accurately reflect the student body's needs,” UKSGA Elections Board Chairman Karl Hempel said. “SGA has a large influence over campus and we would like even more individuals involved. Serving on a leadership position in SGA not only develops personal leadership skills, but also gives one the ability to represent their fellow classmates."
Applications for the aforementioned positions are due Wednesday, Feb. 3, in Blazer Hall 349. Upon completing the application, candidates will be required to attend a meeting at 8 p.m. Monday, Feb. 8, in White Hall Classroom Building Room 102. Election dates are March 2-3. Voting will take place at polling locations in White Hall Classroom Building and William T. Young Library, as well as online at
The mission of the UKSGA is to represent all undergraduate, graduate and professional students enrolled at the University. UKSGA exists to increase student influence over academic policy, provide necessary student services, protect and expand student substantive and procedural rights and to better represent the student body in relations with the faculty, administration, Board of Trustees and the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Applications can be found at For more information regarding the UKSGA election process, contact UKSGA Elections Board Chairman Karl Hempel at
MEDIA CONTACT: Katy Bennett or Rebecca Stratton, or, (859) 257-1909/(859) 323-2395