HDI Seminar to Discuss Transition Strategies

“What Good Transition Planning Looks Like: Empowering Parents and Professionals with Evidence Based Practice Information," will be presented Friday, Nov. 15, from 1-3 p.m. EST (12-2 p.m. CST), in the Human Development Training Room at UK's Coldstream Research Campus. Video-conference sites will be available around the city and at locations throughout the state.
Research behind practices will be discussed, including examples of what they look like in “real life.” Federal and state legislation related to the transition from high school to community will be shared. In addition, the roles of key transition stakeholders will be described and examples of how interagency collaboration can work will be given.
Participants will come away with an understanding of how an inclusive vision of student futures guides planning and support provision. This seminar is appropriate for families as well as the professionals that work with adolescents with intellectual disabilities in all phases of transition planning.
Presenters will be Beth Harrison, principal investigator of HDI’s Supported Higher Education Project and Kentucky Post-Secondary Outcomes Project; and Meada Hall, with HDI’s Community-Based Work Transition Project.
Space is limited and registration is required. Those who wish to attend may register online at http://www.hdi.uky.edu/news/events. Attendance site must be selected at time of registration; if a site is full, you will have the option to select another site. HDI's seminar series is open to faculty, staff and students, as well as self-advocates, parents/caregivers and professionals statewide.
Continuing education units (CEUs) approved for effective instructional leaders and social work, psychology and licensed professional counselors. Seminar affiliated with KY Office of Vocational Rehabilitation for CEUs in Certified Rehabilitation Counseling. $20 CEU fee for social workers, psychologists and licensed professional counselors.
Please contact Marybeth Vallance at marybeth.vallance@uky.edu if your site wishes to host a live video-conference in your community.
MEDIA CONTACT: Keith Hautala, 859-323-2396; keith.hautala@uky.edu