Finding Hope After a Loved One's Suicide

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Sept. 13, 2011) — The University of Kentucky will present a discussion about coping with grief after the suicide of a loved one at 4 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 19, at the Center Theater in the UK Student Center.
Every year in the United States, nearly 35,000 lives are cut short by suicide. But many more lives are devastated by the premature death of a family member or friend. Kentucky ranks 10th in the nation for suicide deaths, where it is the second-leading cause of death in Kentuckians ages 15-34 and the fourth-leading cause of death for Kentuckians ages 35-54.
"Seeking Hope After Suicide: A Discussion" will include presentations by Michelle Linn-Gust, author and president of the American Association of Suicidology; Mary Chandler Bolin, director of UK Counseling; and Jule Cerel, associate professor in the UK College of Social Work. (Download a flyer for this event in PDF format.)
Linn-Gust and Cerel are co-editors of "Seeking Hope: Stories of the Suicide Bereaved," a compilation of grief narratives published earlier this year by Chellehead Works. Proceeds from the book will go to a fund at the American Association of Suicidology to support suicide bereavement research.
Immediately following the presentations, the community is invited to enjoy refreshments and to learn more about local resources at the Campus & Community Resource Fair in Room 206 of the Student Center.
The event is sponsored by UK-IN-CASE (University of Kentucky Increasing Networks for Awareness of Suicide and Emergencies). This federally funded suicide prevention project is a joint venture of the UK College of Social Work and UK Counseling Center.
This event will provide 1 Continuing Education Unit for Psychology and Social Work. Contact Jessica Morris at to register for CEUs.
MEDIA CONTACT: Keith Hautala, (859) 323-2396;