UK Energy Club to Bring KCA President to Campus

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct. 2, 2012) — The University of Kentucky Energy Club is bringing Kentucky Coal Association President Bill Bissett to campus tomorrow, giving students, faculty, staff and the public the opportunity to meet with Bissett and discuss all aspects of coal.
The seminar will be presented at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 3 in the UK Marksbury Theatre. The event is free and open to the public.
Bissett was named president of the Kentucky Coal Association in February 2010. He was previously employed as the chief of staff and senior vice president for communications of Marshall University, where he also earned his bachelor's and master's degrees in addition to receiving his commission in the United States Army. He is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in education.
Prior to working for his alma mater, Bissett served as vice president of public relations for Charles Ryan Associates (CRA), an integrated marketing firm with offices in Charleston, W.Va., and Richmond, Va. During his tenure at CRA, he was instrumental in the establishment of the Friends of Coal campaign. A native of West Virginia, Bissett has also served as director of communications for both the West Virginia Department of Agriculture and the West Virginia Department of Transportation. He also has experience in television marketing and advertising and was a columnist for The Charleston Gazette.
The Kentucky Energy Club serves as a conduit for all members of the community to engage, educate and excite one another concerning the issue of energy and the future of Kentuckians as active participants on the global energy stage. They have four chapters located across the state at various universities including UK, Morehead State University, Eastern Kentucky University and Ashland Community and Technical College (ACTC).
For more information, visit the Kentucky Energy Club, UK Chapter website,
MEDIA CONTACT: Jenny Wells, (859) 257-5343;