UK Happenings

Student Veteran Forum To Explore Adjustment to College Life

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 22, 2011) — Student veterans at the University of Kentucky are encouraged to attend a public forum on "Life After the Military: Adjusting to College Life and Personal Experiences," from 2-4 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 1, in the Small Ballroom of the Student Center.

This event is being organized by the College of Social Work and the Veterans Resource Center to offer student veterans a forum to discuss the issues and challenges they face as they transition to normal college life.

"Many of us on the faculty have student veterans in our classrooms," says Marie-Antoinette Sossou, associate professor in the UK College of Social Work and one of the event organizers. "We witness their self-discipline, their challenges and their determination to achieve their academic goals. We want this forum to be an open dialogue for the veteran students to inform us and to educate us as to what the university community can do to assist their transition and education on campus."

The forum is open to the entire university community. Speakers will include Anthony Dotson, coordinator of the Veterans Resource Center, as well as a number of student veterans. Topics covered will include educational aspirations, perseverance and coping skills. The forum will include time for questions and audience participation. Refreshments will be served afterward.

A flyer for the event is available for download as a PDF. For more information, please contact Marie-Antoinette Sossou at

MEDIA CONTACT: Keith Hautala, (859) 323-2396;