New Central Monitoring Station to Hold Open House

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Jan. 26, 2011) - The central monitoring station at UK Chandler Hospital will host an open house showcasing the newly constructed unit, which includes the latest leading-edge telemetry equipment.
The open house is Friday, Jan. 28 from 1 to 3 p.m. in room H610 on the sixth floor of UK Chandler Hospital. All UK HealthCare clinicians are invited to attend. The station’s clinical engineers, architects and patient monitoring technicians will be on hand to answer questions regarding the new telemetry equipment.
The new unit includes 10 monitoring stations in an area that spans approximately 1,500 square feet. These monitoring stations allow for the establishment of “virtual” telemetry beds in UK Chandler Hospital, UK Good Samaritan Hospital and the new section of UK Chandler Hospital.
Telemetry patients are monitored remotely 24/7 by a specialized cardiopulmonary technician who keeps track of electrocardiogram tracings and physiological trending. Evidence has shown that this close monitoring improves patient outcomes and decreases adverse events by detecting warning arrhythmias quickly.
The technician stays in close contact with the telemetry nurse, who will respond to problems and alarms, reassess the need for telemetry on a daily basis, and provide support to the nursing staff who directly care for the patient.