Arts & Culture

Soprano Advances to Orpheus Semi-Finals


LEXINGTON, Ky. (Jan. 27, 2011) − University of Kentucky voice performance junior, Rachel Sterrenberg, of Madison, Ga., has been selected as a semi-finalist for the annual Orpheus Vocal Competition sponsored by the Middle Tennessee Choral Society. Orpheus is the only competition of its kind in the South providing encouragement and financial support to singers from around the Unites States who are pursuing careers as vocal artists. Sterrenberg will compete in the final round of this competition March 5-6, in Murfreesboro, Tenn.

To be selected as a semi-finalist, the soprano was required to submit CDs containing two art song selections in various styles and languages, one operatic aria selection, and one aria from standard oratorio selection. This year the society will award a $2,500 grand prize to the winner of the student division in which contestants range in age from 19 to 24. Additional prizes will also be awarded by individuals and corporations.

When asked about being named an Orpheus semi-finalist Sterrenberg said, "I am so excited about going down there to compete in March. Lots of really amazing upcoming singers in the business have participated in this competition, and it will be great to be around these artists for a weekend!"

A 2008 graduate of Athens Academy, Sterrenberg is the daughter of Mary and Todd Sterrenberg. Studying opera under Everett McCorvey, director of UK Opera Theatre, Sterrenberg debuted the role of Dana Kelso in the premiere of the Abraham Lincoln opera "River of Time" and was First Lady in the undergraduate production of the "The Magic Flute." Most recently she performed the role of Musetta in UK's fall 2010 production of "La Bohème."

Sterrenberg has been recognized numerous times for her talent while studying at UK. In the summer of 2010, she was invited to attend the Chautauqua Music Festival. Previously, she took first place in both the undergraduate division of the 2008 Alltech Vocal Scholarship Competition and the 2009 Peterson Vocal Competition. Sterrenberg will return to the Chautauqua program again this coming summer.