Where We Stand and Where We Go from Here

President Capilouto sent the following message to the UK community on September 6, 2017.
Wildcat Family:
Yesterday, the Trump Administration announced it will rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, but will delay enforcement for six months. The delay gives Congress time to reach a legislative solution to this issue.
I was in Washington last December and had the opportunity to meet with several members of Kentucky’s congressional delegation and the staffs of each congressional office. I made clear that the people on our campus who benefit from DACA are valued, contributing members of our UK family. They belong here; and all they ask is that we judge them on their talent, work ethic, and capacity to achieve academic success. They should have that opportunity to do so and earn their way forward.
My experience with our students is that they are essential to the current strength of our University and to the future economic well-being of Kentucky. They are earning the degrees that employers want and our communities need.
We will work diligently with our congressional delegation and the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities and our colleague institutions across the country to encourage members of Congress to enact legislation that protects the members of the UK community that are impacted.
For more information on yesterday’s announcement, please visit the federal Department of Homeland Security’s website where you will find a fact sheet that better explains this decision.
For the resources available on our campus and in the Lexington community, we have created a DACA website to address questions.
We will continue to keep you informed of our efforts to address this crucial issue.
Eli Capilouto