UK Norwood Chapter Receives Two SME Honors

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct. 30, 2012) — Rick Honaker, professor and chair of the Department of Mining Engineering at the University of Kentucky College of Engineering, has announced that the UK Norwood student chapter of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME) has been selected as the winner of two prestigious honors: the Mineral Education Coalition (MEC) Award and the SME Outstanding Student Chapter Contest.
The MEC Award recognizes the outstanding efforts of an SME Student Chapter on a college campus and their faculty adviser for their accomplishments in community outreach and mining/mineral education to serve the mission of the MEC. The UK chapter received the award on the basis of their outstanding efforts in educating the community about the importance of mining, their participation in various community fundraisers and their outreach activities which included the National Science Conference (NSTA), Boy Scouts of America and many more.
Winners of the SME Outstanding Student Chapter Contest are chosen based upon their activities and events held throughout the school year. UK’s student chapter will be presented with the award at SME’s annual meeting, in February 2013 in Denver. They will receive a $500 cash award, a certificate of recognition and a ticket to the awards banquet at the SME annual meeting.
"Congratulations to the student chapter, the officers and faculty adviser Kyle Perry," said Honaker. "I especially thank Katie Gardner for her outstanding leadership and hard work."
Gardner, who served as the chapter's president last year, was elated by the news.
"We are extremely excited to have won this award as it reflects the hard work and dedication by the students involved."
MEDIA CONTACT: Jenny Wells (859) 257-5343;