UK President Talks Changes on 'UK at the Half'

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Sept. 8, 2014) — University of Kentucky President Eli Capilouto was the guest on the Aug. 30 broadcast of "UK at the Half," which aired during the UK vs. University of Tennessee at Martin football game that was broadcast on the radio.
Capilouto talked briefly about the seven new residence halls that are being built on campus, defined UK's priorities related to student success, and discussed the importance of the work UK's research enterprise is doing in addressing today's issues.
"UK at the Half" airs during halftime of each UK football and basketball game broadcast on radio and is hosted by Carl Nathe of UK Public Relations and Marketing.
To hear the "UK at the Half" interview, click on the play button below. To view a transcript of the "UK at the Half" interview, click here.