Call for Nominations for First David Dick Award
LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 10, 2011) — The University of Kentucky School of Journalism and Telecommunications seeks entries and nominations for the first annual David Dick “What a Great Story!” Storytelling Awards. The deadline for entries is March 28.
The awards were established to honor the memory of David Dick, professor emeritus and former director of the School of Journalism and Telecommunications, who passed away in July 2010.
Dick was a champion of great journalistic storytelling. These awards, one for a UK student journalist and the other for a professional journalist working in Kentucky, will honor outstanding storytelling.
The judges are looking for the best in storytelling—that which enlightens and informs while captivating the audience so they get the full story. Great storytelling can break a heart or inspire it. It can be sublime or ridiculous, but it is always memorable.
Entries are not limited to hard news, and may include features, advocacy journalism, personality profiles, columns and even obituaries. The essentials are good writing informed by good reporting on whatever platform.
No matter what the form, the story should be well developed, free from errors, possess sound journalistic mechanics and exhibit high ethical standards.
Entries must have been published in the 2010 calendar year. There will be two winners: one student, one professional.
The student award is open to UK journalism majors for work published or completed through student media, at an internship, or at any recognized media outlet (radio, TV, newspaper, magazine or independently edited website) during 2010. The student may self-nominate or be nominated by any UK faculty or staff member.
The professional award will be for work done for any bona fide Kentucky media outlet (radio, TV, newspaper, magazine or independently edited website) published or broadcast during 2010.The professional may self-nominate or be nominated by anyone.
To submit an entry, go to
If you prefer to send your entry by regular mail, print out the entry form, include it with your entry and mail to:
David Dick Awards
UK School of Journalism and Telecommunications
107 Grehan Building
Lexington, KY 40506-0042
All entries must be received no later than midnight on Monday, March 28. Awards will be presented on Tuesday, April 12, at 6 p.m. in the Worsham Theater, UK Student Center, prior to the annual Joe Creason Lecture. Winners will receive a certificate and a monetary prize.