Kentucky Colleges Gather to Discuss Citizenship, Juvenile Justice

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 7, 2017) — Students, faculty and staff of the colleges that make up the Central Kentucky Diversity Consortium (CKDC), including the University of Kentucky, will attend the Multicultural Opportunities, Strategies and Institutional Inclusiveness Conference (MOSAIIC) Nov. 9-10.
The event on the UK campus will focus on racial disparities, human rights in a democracy and juvenile justice issues in community-based engagement. The objective is to develop skills for activists and scholars to use in their service-learning and/or volunteer activities in their local communities. This year's conference will share the last day's keynote speaker with the opening session of Come Together Kentucky on the evening of Nov. 10.
The “Know Your Rights: Democratic Citizenship and Juvenile Justice” event is free to students, faculty and staff of the institutional members of CKDC: the University of Kentucky, Berea College, Bluegrass Community and Technical College, Centre College, Centro Latino, Eastern Kentucky University, Georgetown College, Kentucky Latino Education Alliance, Kentucky State University and Transylvania University.
Although attendance is free for students, staff and faculty from consortium-member institutions, registration is required at
The CKDC schedule includes:
Thursday, Nov. 9
- 9-10 a.m. – Sign-in, networking and breakfast, Blazer Hall, Rooms 241/249
- 10-11:30 a.m. – Welcome and Kick-off Session, Blazer Hall
Consortium’s vice presidents of diversity/inclusion/multiculturalism and their student liaisons discuss the status of diversity/inclusion initiatives at their schools.
- 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. – Lunch and Keynote Presentation, Blazer Hall
"In Pursuit of Justice: Your Free Expression Rights" will be presented by Aimee Edmondson (journalism, Ohio University) regarding the development of libel laws in the Civil Rights Era and how those laws are impacting arguments around police body cameras and other forms of documenting state violence against non-white/non-normative individuals.
- 1-2:15 p.m. – Break-out sessions, Patterson Hall and Blazer Hall
- 2:30-3:15 p.m. – Break-out sessions, Patterson Hall and Blazer Hall
- 3:30-5:30 p.m. – Hors d'oeuvres/light supper and networking, Blazer Hall, Rooms 241/249
- 6-8 p.m. – Creative Voices for Justice, Gatton College of Business and Economics, Kincaid Auditorium
Tiger Pride (hip-hop and step group from Georgetown College) and Poetic Justice (UK student organization, poetry and activism) will present.
Friday, Nov. 10
- 8-9 a.m. – Sign-in, networking and breakfast, Patterson Hall
Art, Creativity and Citizenship worktable with Sonja Brooks of Sisohpromatem Art Foundation, and information tables about higher education programs and workforce development opportunities at consortium schools will be available.
- 9-10:15 a.m. – Break-out sessions, Patterson Hall and Blazer Hall
- 10:30-11:45 a.m. – Break-out sessions, Patterson Hall and Blazer Hall
- Noon-2 p.m. – Lunch, Blazer Hall, Rooms 241/249
Keynote presentation by DeBraun Thomas, artist and activist with KFTC and Take Back Cheapside, on “The Art and Craft of Social Justice Activism.”
MOSAIIC award presentations, moderated by Charlene Walker, vice president for multiculturalism and inclusion at Bluegrass Community and Technical College.
- 2-4 p.m. – “Give Your Voice,” Blazer Hall, Rooms 241/249
A conversation with the consortium’s vice-presidents of diversity/inclusion/multiculturalism, their student liaisons and audience, including such questions as what did we learn from MOSAIIC, what do we want to start for long-term planning for our campuses, etc.
- 4-6 p.m. – Dinner on your own; Kentucky Diversity Consortium planning team will attend a thank-you reception (invitation only)
- 6-8 p.m. – MOSAIIC and Come Together Kentucky, Gatton College of Business and Economics, Kincaid Auditorium
Keynote speakers for this event are Wendy Leo Moore (sociology, Texas A&M) and Joyce M. Bell (sociology, University of Minnesota), who will speak on racism, the First Amendment and diversity discourse in higher education
MOSAIIC started in 2007 with the leadership of Charlene Walker of Bluegrass Community and Technical College and the late William Parker, formerly of the University of Kentucky. Since 2014, the MOSAIIC Conference has been co-designed, funded and sponsored by the Central Kentucky Diversity Consortium.