Campus News

Osher Lifelong Learning Center at UK to Hold First Open House in Lexington

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 16, 2010) The Osher Lifelong Learning Center at the University of Kentucky (OLLI) will have their first open house in Lexington from 1 - 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 18th at the Crestwood Christian Church. The open house will provide interested adults age 50 and over the opportunity to come and learn more about the events and programs offered by OLLI at UK.

OLLI, whose tag line is "Where Curiosity Never Retires!" offers programs, events, workshops, Donovan Forums and other opportunities to continue to learn, hear and discuss new ideas and be involved with people of similar interests or find a new interest, hear new research, ask questions, be engaged in the community and learn just for the fun of it.

OLLI offers a wide range of classes and include culture, foreign languages, health and wellness, history and government, performing arts, visual arts, special interest groups and the Donovan Forum Seminar Series. Fall classes in Lexington begin after Labor Day. There is a $10 membership fee per semester and a $10 class fee.

Instructors will be available at the open house to answer questions. Registration for classes will be open. Interested persons are encouraged to register as classes fill up quickly.

Crestwood Christian Church is located at 1882 Bellefonte Dr. in Lexington.

For more information and to be added to the mailing/e-news list, please call OLLI at UK in Lexington at (859)257-2656 or email: