Pride Week Activities Announced
LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 5, 2018) — To emphasize the diverse backgrounds and experiences of LGBTQ* students, faculty and staff at the University of Kentucky, its Office of LGBTQ* Resources has scheduled Pride Week.
This year, the week of educational and social events is scheduled April 9-14.
“Pride Week provides space to engage in important conversations that impact our communities and allow opportunities for us to grow together,” said Lance Poston, director of the Office of LGBTQ* Resources.
The schedule of events includes:
Monday, April 9
- UK Pride Week Social Media Kickoff - #UKYPride2018
11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Rose Street walkway, adjacent to Chemistry/Physics Building
Join students, faculty, staff and grab your pride week gear. Those interested may pose with signs of support for the LGBTQ community and post them to social media.
- Racism, Privilege and Intersection of Identities
Noon, Alumni Gallery of William T. Young Library
Workshop facilitated by David Luke of the Center for Graduate and Professional Diversity Initiatives (food provided)
- PrideCats Social Mixer and Forum
7 p.m., Boone Center All students, faculty, staff and alumni are invited to this community event sponsored by the UK LGBTQ alumni group. Dress is smart casual. (food provided)
Tuesday, April 10
- Make a Square for the UK Identity Quilt
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. outside White Hall Classroom Building
5 to 7 p.m. Outside Memorial Hall
The finished quilt will be hung in the new Student Center.
Wednesday, April 11
- Codeswitching: Being LGBTQ in STEM
2 p.m., Room 211 Chemistry Physics Building
Sponsored by the UK Department of Mathematics
- Green Dot Training by the UK VIP Center
4 p.m., Lower level of Frazee Hall
Visit to RSVP
- UK Employee Cookout
5 p.m., Courtyard of Breckenridge Hall
Sponsored by UK HR Work-Life
Thursday, April 12
- Peaches & Eggplants, Sexperts workshop on dating apps, online relationships, and sexual expectations
5 p.m., White Hall
- Gender - Sexuality Alliance Meeting
Open to all.
7 p.m., Room 114 Jacobs Science Building
Friday, April 13
- Downtown Lexington LGBTQ History Walk
2 p.m., meet at the Kentucky Theatre
- LGBTQ* History and Politics Panel
3:30 p.m., Lexington Central Library
- Evening of Fun at Champs Lexington (Nicholasville Road)
7 p.m., First 25 students get in free
Saturday, April 14
- Gayla! with Cadillac Seville and Jenna Jive
5 to 7 p.m., Mandrell Hall
Organized by UK Gender-Sexuality Alliance (food provided)