Volunteers Needed for 4-H Communications Day
LEXINGTON, Ky. (May 24, 2010) − The 4-H Youth Development program, which is part of the University of Kentucky’s Cooperative Extension Service in the College of Agriculture, is looking for volunteer judges and room hosts for the 2010 State 4-H Communications Day to be held at the University of Kentucky Saturday, July 10.
"Our mission is to empower youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults," said Deana K. Reed, extension specialist for 4-H Youth Development. "One way that we connect youth with adults is through our 4-H Communications program and contest."
4-Hers' work on communication projects such as speeches or demonstrations throughout the year, competing locally for the privilege to go onto the district level and then qualifying there to go on to the state level.
"This statewide communications day brings Kentucky 4-H families to our beautiful campus and in order for this event to run successfully, we depend heavily on volunteers," said Reed.
This year’s event will be held in the White Hall Classroom Building at UK, beginning with registration for all age levels at 9:30 a.m. July 10 and competition getting underway at 10. Judges and room hosts are asked to arrive at 9 a.m. for orientation. Competition ends between 1 and 3 p.m.
Reed said there are three major criteria that organizers are looking for in selecting “expert judges”:
1. Individuals with familiarity in the subject matter area;
2. Individuals who understand youth and teens and want to support their personal and professional development through this program; and
3. Individuals that understand that scoring is 90 percent delivery and 10 percent subject matter.
She added a few other items for volunteer room hosts and judges to keep in mind:
-- Volunteers will be provided with a packet of orientation materials prior to the event.
-- The State 4-H department is available to assist volunteers where questions or further information is needed.
-- On July 10, all judges and hosts will report directly to White Hall Classroom Building on the University of Kentucky campus, check in with the building superintendent by 9 a.m., make final preparations with their room host, and start judging at 10 a.m. sharp.
-- Communications Day lunch will be provided to volunteers.
-- There will be a room host in each room to register participants, introduce each participant, time 4-Hers' presentations, and make award presentations.
If you are interested and available, please indicate so by completing the 4-H Communication Judge/Room Host form on or before June 5, 2010. Here is a link to the form online: http://www.ca.uky.edu/agcollege/4h/projects_events/core/communications/index.htm.
The document is located in the bulleted list about halfway down the page. The form also is available from your local county extension office or by e-mailing Deana Reed at deana.k.reed@uky.edu.
"State 4-H Communications Day annually brings over 300 potential UK students and more than 450 family members to our campus," said Reed. "This event doubles as a magnificent recruiting effort for our respective colleges and the entire university."