Transportation Services Opens New Employee, Commuter Student Lot
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct. 16, 2017) — University of Kentucky Transportation Services has added a new joint-use intermediate parking lot to its inventory. Known as Comers Lot, the lot is located across Scott Street from the Reynolds Lot and has 153 spaces. The mixed-use lot will accommodate both employee intermediate (E) permits and commuter student (C9) permits.
With the increase in parking spaces, Transportation Services will offer permit upgrades through the student permit lottery for commuter students who currently park in periphery parking at Kroger Field but are interested in more proximate parking accommodations. The resulting shift in commuter students from the periphery to the Scott Street area will contribute to alleviating parking demand and increasing parking availability in the Kroger Field Red and Blue Lots.
Eligible students who do not have a parking permit or who want to upgrade from a periphery (K) may submit a lottery request for C permits through the Student Permit Lottery. Notification is sent to lottery winners via email.
In addition to the new lot, C9 permit holders may also park in the Reynolds Lot, Scott Street Lot or the Taylor/Dickey Lot.