Want to Access UK Libraries Website on the Go?

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 10, 2011) − University of Kentucky Libraries wants to know if you want to access their website on the go. They recently launched a survey to measure if library users have an interest in a website designed for mobile phone users. The short survey will run through Dec. 16 and takes approximately two minutes to answer.
The UK Libraries mobile website survey allows users of the university library system to share what their priorities are for access to catalog searches, databases and electronic journals, as well as contact information and hours for specific campus libraries. To take the survey, visit http://kwiksurveys.com/?u=UKLibrariesMobileWebSurvey.
As the premier research library system in the Commonwealth, UK Libraries provides ever-expanding access to quality information resources, excellent services and programs, and library facilities. As a provider of services and a repository of information resources, UK Libraries plays a key role in the university’s efforts to elevate the quality of life and enhance the intellectual and economic capital in Kentucky.
The UK Libraries consists of nine major facilities: William T. Young Library, Agricultural Information Center, Hunter M. Adams College of Design Library, Education Library, Shaver Engineering Library, Lucille C. Little Fine Arts Library and Learning Center, Medical Center Library, Science Library and Special Collections.
For more information on the mobile website survey from UK Libraries, contact Rob Aken by email to robaken@uky.edu.
MEDIA CONTACT: Whitney Hale, (859) 257-8716 or whitney.hale@uky.edu