With Donations for Citations, PTS Offers an Alternative Way to Pay Parking Tickets

Video by UK Public Relations and Marketing.
LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 1, 2016) — University of Kentucky Parking and Transportation Services (PTS) will accept donations of non-perishable goods — including food and personal care items — from Monday, Feb. 29, to Friday, March 11, in exchange of waiving one regular parking citation of $25 or less. All donations will go to UK’s Big Blue Pantry which assists UK students who are experiencing food insecurity or hunger.
This pilot program — dubbed Donations for Citations — will not only benefit the students who depend on the Big Blue Pantry, but will also offer an alternative way for members of the campus community to pay one of their citations.
“Part of the idea behind Donations for Citations is not just to offer an alternative way for students to pay, but to inspire a culture of generosity,” said Chrissie Tune, UK Parking and Transportation Services marketing director.
“Partnering with PTS is going to give us the chance to stock up for the summer, make students a little more service-minded, and get the word out about Big Blue Pantry. I feel as though Donations for Citations will be incredibly successful, so much so that we can continue this program for years to come,” said Manning Kulis, Big Blue Pantry student director.
“Contrary to the common perception, parking enforcement is not about revenue generation. The fines primarily exist as a disincentive to violating the university’s regulations,” said UK Director of Parking and Transportation Services Lance Broeking.
Big Blue Pantry served over 100 students in its first year of operation from August 2014-August 2015. Donations for Citations will help Big Blue Pantry customers during a time in the semester when donations to the pantry are historically low.
“Overall, the Donations for Citations program is going to be a tremendous help for the Big Blue Pantry,” Kulis said. “This is the time in the semester where we don't have as many donors, drives or people interested in helping out. Though the pantry isn't under-stocked currently, it's always good to have a variety of foods.”
There are some specific guidelines in terms of donation items.
Customers may choose to donate 10 non-perishable food items or five personal care items to the Donations for Citations drive in order to have one regular citation of $25 or less waived.
Donations will not be accepted if:
- Items are expired, damaged or opened.
- Items require refrigeration.
- Items are in a glass container.
- Items are trial size.
The following non-perishable food items will be accepted: canned fruit, soups, cereal, instant oatmeal, pasta, beans, canned tuna or canned chicken, and nut butter. The following personal care items will be accepted: shampoo, hand soap, hand sanitizer, toilet paper (minimum size of 4 pack), toothpaste, shaving cream, razors and tampons.
For a complete list of acceptable donation items, visit the Donations for Citations website.
Donations for Citations waivers are only valid for one regular fine of $25 or less. This does not include immobilizations, impoundments, parking in fire lanes, disabled accessible parking violations or improper application or use of parking permits.
Customers may only have one eligible citation waived as part of the Donations for Citations drive. Customers with multiple unpaid citations must pay all other outstanding citations in order to have one waived under the program. Citations waived through the Donations for Citations program are not eligible for appeal.
If you have any questions regarding the Donations for Citations program, visit www.uky.edu/pts/donationsforcitations or email ukparking@lsv.uky.edu.
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MEDIA CONTACT: Blair Hoover, 859-257-6398; blair.hoover@uky.edu