Campus News

It is #UKSocialMedia Week!


LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 9, 2012) — Have you ever wondered what is a hash tag? Or have you ever pondered why you should "check in" at a location? These questions and many others will be answered this week on campus with UK Social Media Week.

Social Media Week is a collaboration of various groups across campus to produce a week of programming for students, staff and faculty interested in increasing their social media usage.

Goals for Social Media Week include illustrating the value and flexibility of social media; exposing and encouraging students to continue to utilize social media; teaching students how to manage an online identity; and demonstrating professional and conscientious social media practices.

Katelyn Banks, Social Media Week coordinator for UK's Student Government Association, said, "I know there has been a lot of work put into this week and I cannot wait to attend all these great sessions and hear all the feedback from our students, staff and faculty."

An abbreviated calendar of events is below. For a complete Social Media Week calendar, click here.

Join the conversation by using the hash tag #UKSocialMedia on Twitter.


All Week

#morethanparking Twitter Contest

UK Parking and Transportation Services will be hosting a Twitter contest April 9-13, as a part of the UK Social Media Week activities. Follow us @UKParking to learn about campus alternative transportation resources, to provide feedback and to have the chance to win prizes!

To be eligible for prizes, you must 1) be a University of Kentucky employee or student (excluding PTS employees) 2) follow @UKParking on Twitter and 3) answer the prompt of the day using the hashtag #morethanparking. Winners will be randomly selected Monday through Thursday from those have followed the above guidelines. On Friday, all participants for the week will be entered to win the grand prizes.

Prizes include:

Monthly Lextran Pass*

Four (4) PTS Car Sharing Laundry Bags

Specialized Tactic Bike Helmet (Size Small)

Five (5) Daily Parking Vouchers for Parking Structure #5 (next to Kennedy Book Store on South Limestone)

April Showers Bring May Flowers Photography Contest

This photo contest will be judged on the photo only, no caption is necessary. With each picture, the tweeter will need to hashtag #ukgreendot.

Green Dot Twaiku

Share your enthusiasm about Green Dot with the world by composing a Green Dot themed twaiku for UK Social Media Week! You could win a whole gift basket of Green Dot gear, including a Green Dot hoodie, T-shirt and more!

What’s a twaiku? A haiku via Twitter, with the same basic structure of 3 lines with 5-7-5 syllables respectively. Since it is on Twitter, a twaiku is limited to 140 characters, including the #greendot tag.

The Green Dot Twaiku contest begins on April 9 and runs through April 12. All submissions must be tagged #greendot and submitted by a University of Kentucky student, staff or faculty member. The winner of the Green Dot gear gift basket will be selected and announced via Twitter on April 16.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Smart Social Media: Building and Marketing a Strong Personal Brand Online

11 a.m. – noon

231 Student Center  

In this session, UK professor Christopher S. Rice (CELT, Political Science) will discuss how to use social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Slideshare and blogs to build a strong personal brand online. Learn the importance of developing a professional online persona that leverages your personality, skills and experience to build your professional network, showcase your work and get noticed by potential employers. Rice will share with you his tips and tricks for building a consistent and powerful presence across social media platforms and how to get these services working together to your advantage.

How Social Media is Used in Risk Communication

1:30 – 2:30 p.m.

Niles Gallery, Lucille Little Fine Arts Library

UK Communication professors Don Helme, Laura Stafford and Shari Veil; these faculty members will present some of their research on applications of social media in looking at areas of risk communication, communication about situations that pose either personal or societal risk.

Professionalism, Productivity and Personal Networking

2 – 3 p.m.

249 Student Center

Moderator: Patsy Carruthers – / 327-2759

This panel will discuss social media used for productivity and research as well as for professional and personal networking. Panel members will discuss tools including Twitter, Facebook, Blog Talk Radio, Google+ and Google apps, RSS, blogging and Pinterest, among others.


Roger Brown, Lecturer, Agricultural Economics, Engaging students with social media

Virginia Lacefield, graduate student, Communication, Using social media as a student for group communication and projects

Jeff Rice, Associate Professor, Division of Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Media; Co-Director, Wired, How personal interests translates into relationships, conversations, and a model for engagement

Kakie Urch, Assistant Professor, School of Journalism and Telecommunications Coordinator of ICT Co-Lab, Social media as a newsfeed, an instructional communications tool, an institutional communications tool, and more

Beyond Facebook: Web tools for collaboration and self promotion

4 – 5 p.m.

B108C William T. Young Library

Sure, you use Facebook.  But did you know that there are lots of other free tools you can use to make working (or playing) together easier, more productive and fun?  This session will provide a whirlwind tour of many free applications that are powerful and easy to use.  We’ll take a look at Twitter, Dropbox, Google Docs, Prezi and many more, providing a quick overview of what each tool can do so you can decide for yourself which to try out.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What are You the Mayor of?

1 – 2 p.m.

William T. Young Library Auditorium

Dennis Crowley, co-creator of Foursquare and Josh Newman, Mediatavern (both speaking via Skype)

Crowley and Newman work in the New York City area and are national leaders in social and direct response media. They will talk about how their firms are using social media to help their clients build stronger brands.

Using Facebook and Twitter in Your Job Search

3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Student Center Centre Theater

More and more, employers are using multiple social media networks to screen potential candidates. Learn how to make these social networks work for you, not against you! You will get advice on how to keep your profile up-to-date and make it easy for employers to find you and see you in a positive light. Learn how to use the various apps and tools in social media for your job search.

How do I Become...

7 – 8:30 p.m.

William T. Young Library Auditorium

As senior producer of broadcast marketing at CBS News, Cathy Black spends her time developing and marketing promotional campaigns for “CBS This Morning.” She is also responsible for the network’s interaction with all CBS affiliate stations, news directors and general managers throughout the country and books news and entertainment segments for CBS News.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Identity Theft

12:30 – 1:30 p.m.

211 Student Center

Last year, between $37 and $56 billion was stolen via identity theft. It is bad and it is getting worse; however, 90% of 16-24 year olds fail to take steps to prevent identity theft. Come learn exactly what identity theft is, how it happens and what you can do to prevent it.

Live Tweeting: TEDxUKY

4 – 5:30 p.m.

Center Theater, Student Center

Pre-registration page for students to get tickets:

Sponsored by the ambassadors at the Gatton College of Business and Economics at the University of Kentucky, TedxUKY follows the same spirt of TED mission, "Ideas worth spreading." The talks are designed to give communities, organizations and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-Like experiences at the local level. The TedxUKY event is designed to share current UK faculty research and discuss how it affects the Commonwealth of Kentucky, presentations will cover a variety of topics from cancer research, to hunger and poverty. #TedxUKY

For more information contact Brad Harris ( or visit

President Eli Capilouto Comments on Communication

6 – 7 p.m.

The Cat's Den, Student Center

President Capilouto will be available for open and candid discussion about communication strategy in and around campus, in addition to how Social Media and technology have an effect on the professional world.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

UK Alumni and Faculty Social Media Applications: From Classroom to Real World Campaigns Improving Health Communication

Noon – 1:30 p.m.

Niles Gallery, Lucille Little Fine Arts Library

Professor Elisia Cohen, communication; Kelley Nalli, Cornett IMS; Ashlee Harris, Cornett IMS

This discussion will address how Cornett IMS, a Lexington marketing communications agency, is working with UK faculty on the campaign for a Cervical Cancer-Free Kentucky. The campaign relies heavily on social media.

Trending Now: Finding Your Balance and Safety with Social Media

3:30 – 5 p.m.

111 Student Center

This is an interactive workshop with humor, media examples and discussion about using social media to enhance healthy relationships, wellbeing, safety and balance with the rest of your life. Presenters include Dr. Jamie Hopkins, @UKCounselingCtr, and Melanie O. Matson, director, Violence Intervention and Prevention Center, 257-2884,, #vipcenter

Avoiding Social Media Overload

6 – 7 p.m.

111 Student Center

This session will focus on using social media to its fullest potential to assist in interpersonal and academic and avoiding overload that would allow social media to become a vehicle for procrastination.

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Ultimate Follow Friday

Who do you follow and who would you recommend that your friends follow? Use this day to share your favorite tweeps, especially those with UK ties!