'RACE: Are We So Different?'

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 3, 2016) — What is race? What is it not?
An interactive exhibit on tour at the Ali Muhammad Center in Louisville provides tools to recognize racial ideas and practices in contemporary American life. “RACE: Are We So Different?” invites visitors to discover the many reasons we should celebrate our differences and explore our shared histories.
University of Kentucky students, faculty and staff can join a bus trip to the Muhammad Ali Center in Louisville on Nov. 12 to visit the interactive exhibit, “RACE: Are We So Different?,” created by the American Anthropological Association in collaboration with the Science Museum of Minnesota.
The UK Department of Anthropology, sponsor of the event, is providing free bus transportation and entry to the museum and exhibit for those coming on the trip, leaving from UK at 11 a.m. and returning at 5 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 12.
Reservations must be made by Nov. 7 by emailing Carol.Cottrill@uky.edu with “Ali Center Trip” in the subject line. Include your name and status — student, staff or faculty — in the message. Details about departure will be shared with those who register.
“RACE: Are We So Different?” is a powerful interactive exhibit that encourages audiences to explore the biological, cultural and historical impact of race. Combining these perspectives offers an unprecedented look at race and racism in the United States. “RACE” offers valuable tools for anyone to explore racial preconceptions and attitudes in an involving, compassionate and non-confrontational way. Organizational, leadership and professional development programs are also available.
For more information, visit http://alicenter.org/race/.
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MEDIA CONTACT: Gail Hairston, 859-257-3302, gail.hairston@uky.edu