UK Staff Senate: Monthly Update
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 5, 2009) – University of Kentucky Staff Senate Chair Bryan Back opened the September meeting by thanking all senators who volunteered their time during K Week. It has become a tradition for senators to volunteer their services during one of the most hectic weeks in the semester for students.
One of the Senate’s biggest events of the year is Staff Appreciation Day (SAD), which is held each year in May. Senate Vice Chair Mike Adams is this year's SAD Committee chair, and he extended an invitation to senators and other staff who would like to become involved in the SAD Committee meetings. Information on the event may be found by visiting the Staff Senate website at under "What’s Happening." The SAD Committee is always looking for volunteers; if you are interested, contact Adams at .
Tammy Akin with UK Health and Wellness presented the revised Healthtrac Rewards program, updating the Senate on the changes to the program that were recommended by the Health Benefits Task Force, appointed by President Lee T. Todd Jr. at the beginning of his term. Entirely self-funded, the program allows employees, retirees and their spouses or sponsored dependents to earn up to $180 per year, while at the same time learning behaviors that will help them become healthier.
Returning to business from September at the October meeting, the Staff Senate discussed a proposed initiative to normalize the pay rates for long-time employees. The motion presently under consideration states employees with four or more years of service and satisfactory performance evaluations would be increased to the first quartiles of their pay grades, while employees with seven or more years would be increased to the mid-points of their pay grades. This would apply only to those who have not yet achieved these levels of pay.
In an effort to fully understand the impact the action would make, the Senate is working with Human Resources to determine how many staff will be affected and the projected budget impact of these proposals. It is known at this point that Human Resources has advocated such a change and that UK HealthCare operates under these guidelines. If the motion passes the full Senate, it will move on to the Board of Trustees for further action.
Chris Nelson, M.D., a UK pediatrician whose specialty is infectious disease, made a Pandemic Planning Presentation on the H1N1 flu and its history, as well as the processes involved with getting a vaccine out to the public. The material Dr. Nelson covered in his presentation can be found at
The Staff Senate has always worked closely with Human Resources in order to better working conditions for staff, so administrators Debbie Carwile and John Sampson began their "Myth Busters" presentation and are due to complete it in the November meeting.
For more information regarding the Staff Senate or to contact your senator, please visit