UK Students Impact Fellow Students Through Big Blue Pantry
Video Produced by UK Public Relations and Marketing. To view captions for this video, push play and click on the CC icon in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. If using a mobile device, click the "thought bubble" icon in the same area.
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Dec. 12, 2014) — University of Kentucky students are coming together to help fellow students who many not have access to healthy food through a new initiative called the Big Blue Pantry.
This resource, made possible through the UK Center for Community Outreach, has been helping students in need since it opened in August. But the pantry is also helping students who serve as coordinators for the program thanks to collaboration with Dietetics and Human Nutrition faculty & staff within the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment's School of Human Environmental Sciences.
Watch the video above to discover the impact the Big Blue Pantry is having on a wide variety of students on campus.
The Big Blue Pantry operates solely on donations. If you would like to donate either non-perishable goods or monetary donations, you may drop off donations at the Pantry during their open hours or Monday through Thursday 9am-9pm at the Center for Student Involvement (106 Student Center). Email for more information or to make other arrangements.