UK Happenings

UK Twitter Chat to Focus on Mental Health

LEXINGTON, Ky. (May 19, 2014) — With one in four Americans suffering from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year, University of Kentucky will help bring awareness to the topic by hosting an #AskACat Twitter on mental health as part of Mental Health Month. The chat with university experts in the field will begin at 2 p.m. Tuesday, May 20, via the university's official Twitter account, @universityofky.

Ann Bassoni, licensed clinical social worker and work-life therapist for UK Work+Life Connections, and Erika Chambers, director of UK Work-Life, will answer questions related to mental health and university resources available to the campus community for the May edition of the #AskACat Twitter chat.

Those interested in following the conversation or participating in the chat can follow the university's official account or use the hashtag #AskACat for questions and responses from the Twitter chat.

Individuals interested in asking questions about topics related to mental health and UK resources should send their questions to through 3 p.m., May 20, or to the UK Facebook page prior to 2 p.m., May 20. Responses to questions will be shared with the university's Twitter followers and those following the hashtag #AskACat.

UK supports students and employees in addressing mental health concerns through resource centers, referrals, support groups and on-site counseling. To remove financial barriers to treatment, the Office of Work Life’s Work+Life Connections team offers up to five free counseling sessions for all employees and covered dependents.

In support of Mental Health Awareness Month, Work+Life Connections is partnering with the UK Counseling Center and the Lexington affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness to host several events. This year’s theme, "Mind Your Health," calls attention to the importance of mental health to overall health and wellness. 

Complete, up-to-date information on the month's events, is available at For additional information on UK events for Mental Health Month, contact Ann Bassoni, Work+Life Connections coordinator, at 859-257-9433 or

UK will present its next #AskACat Twitter chat June 17.

MEDIA CONTACT: Whitney Hale, 859-257-8716;