World-renowned Radiologist to Visit UK for Bluegrass Visiting Professorship

LEXINGTON, Ky. (May 3, 2013) — The University of Kentucky College of Medicine will host Dr. Lazslo Tabar as the Bluegrass Visiting Professor for the Department of Radiology. Tabar is a world-renowned pioneer in mammography and breast cancer screening and Project Leader of the landmark Randomized Controlled Breast Cancer Screening Project.
The Department of Radiology Bluegrass Visiting Professor Series brings to UK world-class medical imaging educators to share their expertise with trainees and faculty. On Monday, May 6, from 5:10 to 6:10 p.m., Tabar is giving a keynote lecture titled, "A New Era in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer: What Fuels the Anti-Screening Propaganda?" The lecture will take place in HX303 Pavilion H in UK Chandler Hospital. UK HealthCare physicians can receive continuing education credits.
A gifted educator as well as researcher, Tabar has mentored radiologists, surgeons, and pathologists throughout the world in the multidisciplinary management of breast cancer. Among his many honors, Tabar has received the Gold Medal from the Society of Breast Imaging, the National Consortium of Breast Care Centers’ Lifetime Achievement Award, and the first Alexander Margulis Award for Scientific Excellence from the Radiological Society of North America in 2012. He is the author or co-author of six books and 149 peer-reviewed articles on breast cancer.