Trustee 101: Electing a Staff Trustee
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Jan. 8, 2013) — It’s always wiser to start at the beginning, and in the world of higher education that means enrolling for the “101” course, the introductory class. In this case, it’s Trustee 101, the introduction to the responsibilities and duties of the staff representative to the UK Board of Trustees.
As the first stage in the staff representative to the Board of Trustees (staff trustee) election process for the 2013-2016 term beginning July 1, 2013, the Staff Senate is sponsoring “Trustee 101: An Overview of the Role of Trustee at the University of Kentucky.”
This event is for prospective candidates who wish to learn more about the trustee’s role and the election process, including eligibility requirements. Participants will have an opportunity to engage an experienced panel: Robynn Pease, former staff trustee; Ernest Yanarella, former faculty trustee; Kean Ashurst, staff trustee election chair and Joe Lewis, moderator.
Trustee 101 will be held from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 23, in the Hilary J. Boone Center (First Lady’s Room). Prospective candidates should RSVP to Holly Clark ( by Jan. 10 and will receive a confirmation.
For more details regarding the staff trustee election, visit the Staff Senate website at