K Week: Freshmen Flood the Campus This Weekend
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 17, 2012) — They’re baa-ack — all 28,000 of them, all dressed in Kentucky blue and all eager to begin, continue or conclude their collegiate experience.
Perhaps the single largest contingency of students joining the University of Kentucky family this weekend are the freshmen. They alone number about 4,500, and nearly all of them will be carrying box after box after box into their residence hall rooms this weekend.
Many of them will be welcomed by President Eli Capilouto and his wife Dr. Mary Lynne Capilouto this morning at the Kirwan-Blanding Residence Hall Complex Mall. The UK football team, along with hundreds of staff, students and faculty, will be there to help unload their cars, vans and pick-up trucks. Then, the UK Marching Band arrives to lift everyone’s spirits with the UK Fight Song.
Before the moving experience is over, the university’s 163 employees and 300+ volunteers will:
· Give away 40,000 bottles of water;
· Serve more than 8,000 hot dogs;
· Staff eight information/cart distribution areas;
· Track the whereabouts of 420 carts;
· Set up and eventually break down 441 tables, 239 traffic cones, 42 barricades, 23 tents and 133 signs; and
· Recycle 20,000 pounds of cardboard.
After unpacking, students and families will participate in the hundreds of K Week events and activities. Coordinated by the Office of New Student & Parent Programs in the Division of Student Affairs, K Week is UK's fall welcome week for freshmen and transfer students..
For more information about K Week, visit the Facebook page at www.facebook.com/KWeekatUK, follow K Week on Twitter at twitter.com/K_Week and check out the YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/KWeekatUK. The full K Week schedule is available at http://www.uky.edu/StudentAffairs/KWeek/pdf/KWSchedule.pdf.